Review for Power Trip Energy


Sun energy

Power Trip(PT) was instrumental in building our new “green” house. Several years ago PT was asked to survey our possible building site for potential solar energy capture. Their survey reported that the site had positive solar potential. That survey began our strong relationship with PT.<br /><br />PT was with us from the beginning of our new home. PT determined the compass orientation of the house foundation that would place the roof line for the greatest capture of solar energy. PT also designed the angle (slope) and size of the roof for placement of solar panels. PT also helped in our selection of the metal roof style that enhanced panel placement without having to penetrate the roof for panel anchorage.<br /><br />Our “green” home is installed with a ductless heat pump for household heat, a ‘heat-pump' hot water heater, and all lighting is LED. The house is insulated beyond county code requirements.<br /><br />PT installed our solar panels on January 5, 2017. In addition to the panels, an EV (electric vehicle) charger station was installed. On April 28th , an all electric Chevrolet Bolt was purchased. <br /><br />Today after 129 days since the installation of the solar panels, data collected shows that the ave daily energy use for the house is 32.87 kWh. So far, the ave daily Solar energy production is 32.07 kWh with a result of 97.57% of the daily household electrical use being supplied from Power Trip installed solar panels (32.07kWh/32.87kWh). The total household use of electricity includes the kWh used to charge the Bolt. The Bolt has been driven over 2000 miles since its purchase and it has been charged at our new home only.<br /><br /> Also, our PUD electric bills for March and April were only for the monthly $14.50 base fee that is charged to each electric bill. No charges were made for electricity since no electricity was delivered. In addition, the May PUD electric bill states that 396 kWh have been added to our banked usage balance. <br /><br />We look forward to the days ahead when the ‘2017 spring rain season' is replaced with some long days of sunshine and ‘banking' energy for later winter days. Also with new batteries being developed, our future may include an ‘on site' energy storage system.<br /><br />Can we recommend Power Trip Energy for solar planning and installation? YOU BET!

Sales process
Price charged as quoted
On schedule
Installation quality
After sales support