Office location: 686 Sydney Ridge, South Daytona NC, 27513
William Hengstenberg
Bear Creek, NC
It has been almost a year since YES Solar Solutions installed our system and it has been working perfectly. They did a great job estimating what we needed to allow us to be pretty much self sufficient. The panels supply the entire property with power when the sun is out, and charge the batteries - typically up to 100% by mid day, and then send the rest of the excess power back to the grid for a credit on my bill. In the spring and fall the batteries will pretty much last all night, but we end up using some from the grid during high HVAC demands in the winter and summer. Looks like we should come close to equaling out at the one year mark making it a net zero total usage. YES Solar Solutions was easy to work with. The crew was very friendly, knowledgeable, and professional in their work. If you are considering going solar in their install area, contact them. I would highly recommend them for your project.
System size (kW): 12
Year installed: 2023
Yes Solar Solutions reply
William, this is great insight into how solar and batteries can work in tandem to alleviate reliance on the grid. Thank you for you recommendation and for taking the time to share your review!