Office location: 7061 Gotham Street, Newton VA, 23005
DJ Jadeja
Lovettsville, VA
Horrible experience once the Panel were installed and money was paid to them through bank. My yard is trenched since last 4 months and every time I follow up they say the scheduling team messed up with inspection scheduling or field agent cannot come. So far I have 2 failed inspections from county and 3 reschedules including one that happened this morning where someone scheduled it wrong. Also every time I follow up and then they try to schedule VS rescheduling should be done by them.This is my second month of paying Monthly installment for my Solar loan without generating a single unit since we can not turn it on until inspections are done so I am paying my electricity bill and this which is double cost to me every month. At this point I cannot do much just wanted others to know how it went. Attaching my trenched yard photo for reference.
System size (kW): 13.6
System price: $75,172
Year installed: 2023
Price include the Federal Tax Credit or incentives: No