Many solar loan providers attach hidden fees to their products. Understanding these fees - and how to avoid them - could save you thousands of dollars.
Is a secured or unsecured solar loan the right option for you? To help you choose, we examine the pros and cons of each loan type.
Michigan homeowners can now sign up for the Distributed Generation Program, in place of net metering. How do the savings compare, and is solar still worth it?
Electricity usage monitoring systems keep an eye on your power consumption, locate phantom loads, and pinpoint power-hungry devices so you can reduce your energy bill.
New York net metering has changed since being implemented in 1997 and is now moving to a program called VDER. How will your savings be impacted?
Comparing the Toyota bZ4X, available this spring, to similar EVs on the market.
Pennsylvania's net metering program is one of the best perks of installing solar panels.
There are 2 reasons to know how many watts your TV uses: to calculate the cost on your power bill and to figure out how much battery storage you'll need to run it during an outage.
The ultimate guide to everything Texas homeowners need to know about switching to solar.